Orum Residence SPF:architects
Table Of Content Inside One Casson Square – a £13m penthouse with spectacular views over London Austin Kerr is collectible design’s pre-eminent restorer Uniquely shaped glass house in Switzerland Sculpture Gallery National Trust for Historic Preservation: Return to home page Designing the ’buttery’ world of Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla beautifully designed nature reserves and retreats in southern Africa While one side is almost all concrete you can see the other side is all glass. Interesting arrangement of home exterior materials. I love how the pool fits into the nook of the home making it look like this home with extensive windows is sitting on water. Below you’ll find dozens more glass homes, but they aren’t from architects featured here so there aren’t links to check out more of the home. Inside One Casson Square – a £13m penthouse with spectacular views over London The large swimming pool on one side of the house is another breathtaking view you get from throughout the home....